Category Archives: Technology

Little Darth Vader: You Don’t Know What I Got

If you saw the Volkswagen Super Bowl commercial you’ll understand where this parody came from.


Brazenly stolen from

Calling Mr. Hardcock! Calling Mr. Hardcock!

No Google Voice For You!I don’t know if you’re aware of the fairly long-running game of comparing the garbled transcriptions that users are getting from the free Google Voice service. It’s pretty big out there.

And now I know why.

Here is the first few words of a transcription I received from a Google Voice mail left for me this evening.

“Hey Frank, hard cock for with the A O X F Group, and I know it would be a long shot reaching you tonight, but…”

I have not altered a word.

In case you’re wondering, the caller’s actual name is Art Koster.

A “long shot?” “Reaching” me? I could go on like this all night!

Google: What’s not to like?

Uncle Frankie’s Top 10 for 2010

Well kids, another year has ended and, just like SportsCenter and Entertainment Tonight, Uncle Frankie is here to share his Top 10 Stories for 2010.

In no particular order, here they are:

1: Man Meets Cow, Man Screws Cow, Man Marries Cow

2: Technology Turns on a TSA Employee So He Turns on His Co-workers

3: The Rent Boy and The Reverend

4: Blowing Mr. Devito

5: School Board President Masturbates During Board Meeting

6: The Doll Husband

7: Father Gray Prefers The Older Boys

8: Going For More Beer

9: “Charlie Bit My Finger” Revisited

10: The Brazilian Love Dance

Those were not the most popular posts – you’ll see them shortly. They are just my personal favorites. Be sure to comment with some of your faves.

Here’s to hoping 2011 will bring us as much wacky human behavior to report on as last year did. No worries on that one kids.

How to Spell “Stupid” in Russian

Ah, the decisions we make while under the influence…

You don’t have to understand Russian to understand what these guys are saying.

Kiwis Invented The Condom, But Limeys Perfected It

In 1872 the Kiwi’s (New Zealanders) invented the condom by using a sheep intestine.

In 1873 the English refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the sheep.