Category Archives: Manly Men

What’s the Difference Between Sarkozy, Netanyahu and Obama?

Let the First Ladies tell us!

Hillary Clinton on Benjamin Netanyahu

Carla Bruni busts husband Nicolas Sarkozy

Michelle shares Barack's big news

Shamelessly stolen from Dvorak Uncensored.

Word Of The Day: Russian Toilette

Russian ToiletteRussian Toilette:

A Game We Play

After sitting on the toilet to poop, you notice that there is less than one-quarter of a roll of toilet paper, and no spare in the bathroom.

You decide to poop anyway, gambling on the fact you will have enough toilet paper to have a satifying wipe.

Husband: “Honey, I just played Russian Toilette, and lost”

Wife: “Sucks to be you. Try not to bite your fingernails”

Another Great Word of The Day from our friends at the Urban Dictionary.

Little Darth Vader: You Don’t Know What I Got

If you saw the Volkswagen Super Bowl commercial you’ll understand where this parody came from.


Brazenly stolen from

Calling Mr. Hardcock! Calling Mr. Hardcock!

No Google Voice For You!I don’t know if you’re aware of the fairly long-running game of comparing the garbled transcriptions that users are getting from the free Google Voice service. It’s pretty big out there.

And now I know why.

Here is the first few words of a transcription I received from a Google Voice mail left for me this evening.

“Hey Frank, hard cock for with the A O X F Group, and I know it would be a long shot reaching you tonight, but…”

I have not altered a word.

In case you’re wondering, the caller’s actual name is Art Koster.

A “long shot?” “Reaching” me? I could go on like this all night!

Google: What’s not to like?

Word of the Day: Heteroflexible

Heteroflexible: adjective


  1. A person who identifies themselves as primarily heterosexual but can find the same sex sexually appealing.
  2. A primarily heterosexual person who’s not opposed to occasional same-sex trysts when circumstances permit.
  3. I’m straight but shit happens.

Common Usages:

  1. I knew she was heteroflexible the minute she walked in the room.
  2. Dude, it’s not my fault. I was drunk and it was fun. What can I say? I’m heteroflexible.
  3. Jake swears that most of his fraternity brothers are heteroflexible once they’ve chilled with a few beers.

From our friends at