Category Archives: Celebrities

Tiger In Training

I’m not looking at her ass. I swear, I’m not looking at her ass. No, really!

My favorite part of this photo is how intently the other guys ARE looking at her ass.

Could we get a little better angle here Mr. Photographer?

Eat Sh*t Rush Limbaugh!

Many moons ago I met a young man named Robert Egger. We were both in our 20s and Robert was managing a club in the Adams Morgan district of DC called the Childe Harold. Our acquaintance was brief, life moved on and we went our separate ways.

For the past 21 years Mr. Egger has been the Founder and President of DC Central Kitchen, which produces 4,500 meals per day for people who would otherwise go hungry, while simultaneously providing job training and almost 100% job placement for 400 unemployed people per year.

Last week Rush Limbaugh used his bully pulpit to call employees of non-profit organizations lazy idiots who are raping the American economy. Mr. Egger took exception to Rush’s radio rant and called him out on YouTube. The result is absolutely awesome!

The video is only 5:20 but if you can’t make it all the way through, be sure to fast-forward to the ending. It’s priceless.

The Baddest Man on the Planet: Cliff Edge

Click here to order this demotivational poster and many others from

Separated at Birth?

Check out these sometimes spooky similarities from

Sammy Pimps Suntory

Check out Shammy Davis, Jr. beat-boxin’ his way through a 30-second spot for the Japanese single malt whiskey brand Suntory:

You go Candy Man!